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Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA)

ITEA 2022 is hosted by the National School of Civil Aviation, 13 – 17 June 2022

ITEA is pleased to confirm that the ITEA Annual Conference and ITEA Annual School on Transportation Economics in 2022 will be IN-PERSON at École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) in Toulouse (France) and co-organized by ENAC and Toulouse Business School (TBS). The ITEA Annual School will be held on June 13-15, 2022. The ITEA Annual Conference will be held on June 15-17, 2022. ITEA’s Scientific and Local Organizing Committees are thrilled to confirm that Professor Bruno Jullien (Toulouse School of Economics) will be our keynote speaker.

At the School and Conference venue, the Local Organizing Committee will ensure compliance with all the existent sanitary protocols (determined by the French government).

  • Hydroalcoholic gel will be provided.
  • Regular cleaning and ventilation of all rooms is ensured.
  • Face masks are currently not compulsory in France. However, the Local Organizing Committee recommends and encourages participants to wear them.
  • Measures will be adapted if needed to comply with the standing sanitary protocols determined by the French government at the moment of the School and Conference.
  • Official information on the rules to enter and exit France (in terms of vaccination and tests) is available here: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coming-to-france-your-covid-19-questions-answered/

On behalf of ENAC and TBS, Professors Chantal Roucolle and Sylvain Bourjade (co-Chairs of the Local Organizing Committee) and all the members of their committee are committed to host a successful conference, by combining proficient logistics with demanding academic standards. The aim of the ITEA Annual School is to provide young researchers with a high-quality introduction to academic research on transportation economics, including many recent advances in the field. The program consists of a series of lectures and tutorials conducted by some of the most prominent researchers in transportation economics. In addition, the students are given the possibility to present their own work at the ITEA Annual Conference. The aim of the ITEA Annual Conference is to promote scientific excellence in the field of transportation economics and to provide a forum for scientific exchange. Research presented at the Conference covers both theory and empirical work, including all transport modes and a wide range of research methodologies. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, transport pricing and investment, competition policy, transport decisions under uncertainty, agglomeration effects, valuation of intangibles, privatization, sharing economics, the economics of new transport technologies, the economics of large transport infrastructure or the political economy of transport decisions.



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